Questions and Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
- Two beeps a delay then fail light flashes with beeps
- Machine gives one beep but does not stitch when start/stop button is hit.
- Machine does not stitch in one direction
- Machine will not turn on.
- Fail light flashes and beeps then laser light flashes.
- My constant speed stitches are not fast enough
- Motor belt is loose
- The switch wires are different colors than described.
- Machine gives one beep but no stitch at power-up
- The machine does not stitch when turned on but makes two beeps
- The stitching is inconsistant in regulated mode.
- The fuse in the back has blown
- Machine fires rapid stitches without stopping.
- At power up, machine takes rapid continuous stitches
- The motor seems to be making too much noise or vibration.
- How do I replace the rubber o-ring?
- The machine is doing intermittent long stitches.
- The black single stitch button is not working properly.
- Machine gives jam signal but there is no jam.
- There is intermittent needle up/down in unregulated mode.
- The speed is changing without moving the dial.
- The machine is not working but all lights are on.
- The machine is not working but laser light is on.
- The machine beeps continously.
- The machine starts stitching randomly or behaves erratically.
- There is drag on the thread.
- What version of IS Turbo do I have?
- There is a fail light and beep when running auto adjust on my Nolting machine.
- The machine gives fast beeps with all lights on at front control panel.
- Power cuts out to machine and the fuse will not hold in place.